
Value of Tourism for Missoula and Montana

Jobs, Community, Economy – Tourism is a leading industry for Montana strengthening small businesses and supporting thousands of jobs. While Covid19 has been a great disrupter for the global economy, now is the time to consider how tourism will be part of Montana’s story of recovery.

By understanding the past, we can steer our path to the future. While we’ll adapt to a new world, future opportunities will present themselves and we want to be ready for them with the right partners in place.

In other years, Voices of Montana Tourism would host a legislative candidate lunch with a panel of business leaders to provide education on tourism. By moving to this online format, we want to offer our candidates a forum to share their perspective. All pre-registered candidates will have an opportunity to speak and respond to questions. The webinar will be open to Missoula voters, businesses and tourism stakeholders.

Voices of Montana Tourism is an independent non-profit that provides education and does not advocate for political candidates, legislation or policy.

See presentations and legislative attendees here.  

Friday, September 25

12 p.m. – 1 p.m.


  • Introduction by Dax Schieffer, Director of Voices of Montana Tourism
  • The role of Destination Marketing Organizations for Montana communities, Racene Friede, Executive Director of Glacier Country
  • Local role of DMO by Barb Neilan, Executive Director of Destination Missoula
  • Legislator panel questions as presented by Stuart Doggett, Executive Director of Montana Lodging & Hospitality Association
  • Legislator candidate panel responses
  • Facilitate question and answers for panelists
  • Adjourn by 1 p.m.

More Missoula Than Ever

Montana Down the Road

Montana is Worth the Wait


Fast Facts Funding

Role of DMO

What’s at Stake When Promotion is Cut